Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Going on Seventeen;


We interupt this broadcast to bring you THs 1 and 2, LG 1 and YT. Please make them feel welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I've decided to start commenting on all your blog posts,
    starting from here on in,
    although I may go back to comment the rest,
    this is the starting point.
    x marks the spot (:

    I thought it would be a good place to start,
    seeing as I am TH1.
    hey there, how you doing?
    i'm here for the rest of my life.
    hold your applause to the end.

    but, I digress.

    so yeah,
    TH1 to LG1,
    why were you called LG1 in the first place?
    I really think it should be FM
